Beautiful Materials: Organizing the Space

Painting by Boris Kustodiev.

Painting by Boris Kustodiev.

I try to keep our tools minimal for our schooling. Loads of art supplies and books, but minimal curriculum and school supplies.

Also, I should note that I try to not have our homeschool space look like a different world. I want it to feel like a natural extension of our lives. We don’t enter a new space with different things to start our day, instead we aim to bring our curiosity to all things and spaces throughout the day.

So, for storage and school supplies, I have thrifted most of them to match the general vibe of our home.

Organizing the Space

Composition Notebooks. We use just 3 per child. One is for copywork/presentaion work. One is for spelling words/lists. And the last is for Math work.

File Box. I use a thrifted one of these for each year; for storing illustrated copywork and presentations, or exceptional drawings. I can slide it right onto our homeschool storage shelf, so it’s very convenient. No need to find extra floor space!

Card File Box. I have so many of these I have thrifted for 50 cents a pop! So good for storing flash cards.

Mason Jars. For storing beans (used to count with).

Pre Sharpened Pencils. Just do the pre-sharpened. #selfcare


Curriculum Building


Re-cap: Curriculum 2019-2020