Re-cap: Curriculum 2019-2020
Classical Conversations. They have a robust Foundations program that includes Geography, Latin, English Grammar, History, Math, Science, and a 12 minute Timeline song (that includes all major points in History, beginning from Creation until present-day). We work hard during those 24 weeks to memorize and investigate all of the material in this program.
The Good & The Beautiful Language Arts & Literature. We were new to this curriculum this year and loved it. It covers Spelling, Grammar, Fine Art, Literature & Poetry.
Reading Lessons Through Literature. This is mainly what my Kindergartner used. Good phonics, stories to practice reading aloud, and spelling lists.
Dimensions Singapore Math. We've used Singapore Math from the beginning, but love the layout of the new Dimensions model. Singapore is known to be very rigorous and to teach multiple approaches to the various concepts they are learning.
Homeschool Spanish Academy. Super chill online/video Spanish lessons.
We throw in a bunch of other bits and pieces of curriculum, but these are our main go-to's.