Back to School (For All of Us)
Painting by Salomon van Ruysdael.
The pace of our life had been building and building as we packed up our life in Chicago and moved back down to Florida. The move was not sudden. Long on our hearts we’d felt the nudge out of comfortable, the pull to our Florida family, and the new energy to take big leaps into scary adventures.
We’ve moved to a rural town outside of Gainesville. A drive anywhere is sceneried by canopied roads of endless green. Tiny frogs slyly sneak into our car and the neighborhood kids catch snakes and spy on deer. It’s only been two weeks, but already our hearts are easing into this reincarnation of home.
School for Me: As I begin the study of Classical Chinese Medicine & Herbs (Acupuncture), I am working through three online courses. I’m trying to work on assignments in the early morning and once the babes go to bed. This is new and hard and overwhelming. But it is so good.
School for Them: We are still participating in our Chicago-area Classical Conversation group online once a week. It’s been such a good rhythm and comfort to see our friends and be held accountable to learning great material. We are on the hunt for a local co-op, but are enjoying exploring a new city. We’ve visited the Natural History Museum, Art Museum, taken a clay class and made the sweetest park friends.
Our Favorite Resources Lately:
Music of Mozart via Wild & Free
Bee Study via Little Oak Learning
Working through this and this book.
Also doing a deep dive into Waldorf education and this is helping.