Beautiful Materials: Podcasts
At some point in each day, we hop into our blue van and do some more exploring of this new city. Podcasts have been an awesome tool for going deeper into topics we’re learning about or building skills we’re weak in. Below are some we’re enjoying.
Short & Curly: This is a new one to us. But the most recent episode about bringing back extinct animals sparked some lively debates.
But Why?: As we’ve talked more about the upcoming election, this episode on why kids can’t vote was helpful.
Brains On: love Love LOVE.
Like You: This a podcast that teaches kids mindfulness. I was surprised by how much the kids love this one. Especially this episode.
God’s Big Story: I love the review at the end of the lessons.
The Bible for Kids: This is also a new one we haven’t tried, but came highly recommended!
Classics for Kids: The BEST resource for whichever composer we’re studying.